Air Canada | Directed by Kevin Foley


Director: Kevin Foley
Producer: Rita Popielak
Director of Photography: Christopher Mably
Production Desginer: Jeremy MacFarlane
Editor: Raj Ramnauth
1st AD: Marc Guspie
Production Company: Steam Films
Agency: FCB

1st AC A CAM: Marc Pierce and Colin Doering
Gaffer: George Petras
Key Grip: Derek Teakle
DIT: Gavin Keen
Colorist: Gavin Keen


This campaign for Air Canada was all about the inclusiveness of Canadians. Kevin and I really wanted to the spots to have a big immersive feeling. So I thought it would be great to shoot on a larger image sensor. To use larger format lenses, and gain a perspective closer to medium format photography. We decided to shoot on Panavision DXL, and shoot with Panavision Ultra 65 lenses. They really lent well with capturing faces in particular with a larger perspective. You see around the cheekbones of the actors when you shoot them in a close up. 

This campaign took us across Canada, shooting from the east coast in St Johns Newfoundland to the Canadian west coast in Vancouver BC.