Braun | Directed by Chris Woods


Director: Chris Woods
Producer: Jack Beardsley
Associate Producer: Chris Byrne
Director of Photography: Christopher Mably
Production Desginer: Tom Olive
Editor: Graham Turner
1st AD: John-Luke Lorens
Production Company: Hungryman UK
Agency: Grey EU

1st AC: Paul Painting
Gaffer: Clint Stone
Key Grip: Ari Stavrinos


Director Chris Woods and I shot this commercial on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa. The surrounding area gave us plenty of interesting locations to create the absurdly epic scenes that were meant to challenge the central character in this piece about shaving. 

For the scene of the young man catapulting himself from a tree across a valley, we shot the character elements on blue screen in what seemed like the most incredible Blue screen studio I have ever been apart of, and then used background elements that we shot on the top of Table Mountain, which looks over central Cape Town. 

Below are some behind the scenes images of the shoot -